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PRE-PRIMARY - TODDLER PROGRAM - 18 months to 3 Years

The Toddler classroom is a specially prepared environment designed to systematically stimulate the senses and awaken curiosity. While in this environment, the children will discover beautiful lessons and materials arranged on shelves just waiting to be explored.

Each day our teachers provide rich experiences that support the burgeoning language and motor skills through lesson presentations, musical expression and movement, rich literature, and outdoor exploration.

Children in the Toddler program arrive between 7:45 and 8:30 each morning and spend their day interacting with other children. While in this environment, children will be engaged by their teachers, and work with developmentally appropriate materials within a prepared environment.

A daily log of individually presented lessons will be tracked and reported for the parents via email.


Weekly Special Classes: Music, Languages, Movement, Art

Requirements for the Toddler Program: Children must be confident walkers

Food: Parents must provide a nutritious lunch(including needed utensils), 2 snacks, and a water bottle each day.

Clothing: Clothing must allow the toddler to have full movement of their bodies. Please avoid clothing which would restrict movement when exploring outside and toileting. We foster each child’s desire for autonomy during self-care routines.  Providing clothing that supports the child’s ability to independently pull up and down items will build confidence in self-care and toileting practices.

Diapering: Families provide disposable or cloth diapers/pull-ups, as well as diapering creams and/or lotions. MSoC will provide unscented wipes.

Bedding: Please provide a fitted crib sheet, familiar blanket, and comforting item (i.e. small stuffed animal, etc.)